sf(""^24Na) undergoes beta decay. A 208g sample decays such that 13g remain. What is the 1/2 life ?
2 Answers
If we begin with 208 grams at the end of 1 half-life there would be 104 grams remaining, at the end of the 2nd half-life there would be 52 grams, at the end of the 3rd half-life there would be 26 grams and at the end of the 4th half-life there would be 13 grams.
The total time of decay is 60 hours and this represents 4 half-lifes.
#(60 hours)/(4 half-lifes) = 15 hours/half-life
The half-life for Sodium-24 is 15 hours.
The above answer is a good answer for that specific question so I will give an answer for a more general situation where the numbers may not work out so nicely.
For a random event such as the decay of a radioactive nucleus the rate of decay depends only on the number of undecayed atoms.
We replace the proportional sign by a constant , in this case the Greek letter lambda
Since the number of atoms is decreasing we can write:
You may have seen the same thing if you have studied 1st order reaction kinetics - the theory is just the same and applies to many natural processes referred to as "exponential decay".
A typical decay curve looks like this:
By doing some mathematics using integration (which I won't go into here) we get:
To turn this expression into a more usable form we take natural logs of both sides to give:
We can use mass in grams for numbers of atoms (since they are proportional) so we can put in the numbers to get
The faster the decay (related to
So you can use a particular value of