Question #a2865

1 Answer
Jun 3, 2015

The important property we need to solve this problem follows from the rule of addition for exponents:

By definition of logarithm,
log_(10)c is a number that, if used as an exponent with a base 10, produces c. So, based on this definition, we can write:

If 10^a=p and 10^b=q, then, by definition of logarithm, a=log_(10)p and b=log_(10)q.
Then above rule of addition of exponents can be written as
10^(log_(10)p+log_(10)q)=p*q and, also by definition of logarithm,
log_(10)p+log_(10)q = log_(10)(p*q)
This is a theorem about addition of logarithms.

Therefore, based on the rule of addition of exponents and the definition of logarithm,
10^(2*log_(10)x)=10^(log_(10)x+log_(10)x) =10^(log_(10)x)*10^(log_(10)x)=x*x=x^2

By definition of logarithm mentioned above for c=x^2,

2*log_(10)(x) = log_(10)(x^2)
which can be directly derived from the theorem about addition of logarithms as
2*log_(10)(x) = log_(10)(x)+log_(10)(x)=log_(10)(x*x)=log_(10)(x^2)

Also notice that, since 10^2=100, the following is true:
2 = log_(10)(100)

Therefore, our entire expression can be represented as

Using the theorem about addition of logarithms, this is equal to