Question #19991

1 Answer
Oct 2, 2015

An impulse of 50Ns50Ns is needed to keep the gun in position


The gun fires 600 bullets per minute, which is the same as 10 bullets per second. Each bullet has mass 25g25g, which is equal to 0.025kg0.025kg. 10 bullets, each of mass 0.025kg0.025kg leaving the muzzle at 200 m//s200m/s have a momentum, mvmv of:
=>10xx0.025kgxx200m//s = 50 kg m//s10×0.025kg×200m/s=50kgm/s

The force required to change momentum is called impulse. It is the product of force and time, FxxtF×t, that is required to cause a change in momentum of Deltamv. It is derived as shown:
=> F=mxx(Deltav//t)
therefore Fxxt =mxxDeltav

Here, your value of mv is 50kgm//s and hence your value of Fxxt should be 50Ns