A bicycle wheel travels about 82 inches in 1 full rotation. What is the diameter of the wheel?

1 Answer
Nov 20, 2015

About 26.10 inches.


The most basic Equation for Circles is Circumference = Diameter x Pi.

Pi is a Number used in nearly everything related to circles, it's almost never ending so I'm rounding it to 3.14. In every equation, Pi is this constant number. Circumference (C) is the perimeter of a circle, and diameter (d) is the distance across a circle when you pass through the center point.

So the problem states 1 full rotation which mean we only go around the edge (which is the perimeter) of the wheel once, and that one rotation is 82 inches- we can conclude that the given number is the circumference.
Since we know the circumference is 82 inches we plug it into the equation C = d x Pi (which is 3.14).

#82 = d * 3.14#
#26.10 = d#

There fore, the diameter is 26.10 inches