The coefficient is written ranging from #1.0# to #9.99#.
Look at #0.000000591#. The space after the first non-zero number counting from left to right is where your decimal point will go. To make the coefficient between #1.0# and #9.99#, move the decimal place #7# times to the right:
#0.000000591# #rArr# #5.91#
All the zeros before the #5# in #5.91# do not have to be written since #0# has no value.
Finally, after moving the decimal point #7# times to the right, indicate the change you have made to #0.000000592# by adding "x #10^-7#" after #5.91#.
#:., 0.000000591# written in scientific notation is #5.91# x #10^-7#.