How would you convert parsecs to centimeters?

For example, if an object travels 9.6 parsecs, what would this distance be in centimeters?

1 Answer
Dec 19, 2015

1 parsec = 3.0644 x #10^18# cm


We should not use such small measures for such large distances that's why we use light years and Parsecs where huge distances are involved usually on cosmic scale. Anyways

1 Parsec = 3.26 Light Years

1 Light-Year = 9.4 x #10^15# m

3.26 Light-Years = 3.26 * 9.4 x #10^15#

3.26 Light-Years = 3.06 x #10^16# m

1 m = #100# cm

3.06 x #10^16# m = 3.06 x #10 ^16# * 100

3.06 x #10^16# m = 3.0644 x #10^18# cm

1 parsec = 3.0644 x #10^18# cm