Cell phone company A charges $20 per month plus $0.05 per text message. Cell phone company B charges $10 per month pus $0.07 per text message. Is there any number of text messages that will result in the exact same charge from both companies?

1 Answer
Dec 29, 2015

Yes. 500


If x is the number of text messages per month, company A charges #20 +0.05*x# and company B charges #10 + 0.07*x#
If the charge is the same then
#20 + 0.05*x = 10 + 0.07 *x#
#20 - 10 = 0.07 *x - 0.05*x#
#10 = 0.02 *x#
#x = 10/0.02 = 10 / (2/100) = 10*100/2 = 500#