An object with a mass of 4 g is dropped into 650 mL of water at 0^@C. If the object cools by 12 ^@C and the water warms by 30 ^@C, what is the specific heat of the material that the object is made of?
2 Answers
Use Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics. We can use the relationship
Divide equation (1) into (2) knowing that
Now what the mass of 650 ml of water? The mass of 650 ml of water is
Now is a question calculating. That said I am a bit suspicious of the answer it is too large for a specific heat value...
Specific heat of material of object
The value is unrealistically high.
As the quantities have been given in CGS units, therefore, answer has been worked out in same units.
Value used
Specific heat of water
Let the specific heat of the material of object
Amount of heat exchanged is given as
Heat gained by
Simlarly heat lost by object is given as