The force applied against a moving object travelling on a linear path is given by F(x)= cosx + 2 . How much work would it take to move the object over x in [ 0, (13 pi) / 8 ] ?

1 Answer
Mar 30, 2016

W=(4sin(13/8pi)+13pi)/4 ~~ 2.286


Given: Force, F(x)=cos(x)+2
Required: Work done over x in [0,(13pi)/8]
Solution Strategy: Use the Work/ Force formula:
dW = vecF*vecdr; W= F_x*dx + F_y*dy+F_z*dz= |F_x|*dx
Since vecF = F_x only then we integrate in dx only:
W = int_0^(13/8pi) F_x*dx=int_0^(13/8pi) (cosx +2)*dx
W=(4sin(13/8pi)+13pi)/4 ~~ 2.286