Let us first add them. As the Least Common Multiple of denominators #3# and #5# is #15#, first multiply numerator and denominator of the two fractions to be added so that there denominators become #15# i.e. #13/3# by #5# and #17/5# by #3#. Then they can be added easily.
So, #13/3+17/5=(13xx5)/(3xx5)+(17xx3)/(5xx3)=65/15+51/15=116/15#
Now as in #116/15# numerator is greater than denominator, therefore we ought to get mixed number by dividing numerator #116# by the denominator #15# and as we get #7# as quotient and #11# as remainder i.e. #116=15xx7+11#.
Hence, #116/15=7 11/15#