How do you express .13 as a percentage?
3 Answers
To express any decimal as percentage, multiply the number by
Hence, to express
A number written as a decimal can be read as a percentage without any real working.
Decimals can be written as fractions with powers of 10 as the denominators.
A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100.
There are 2 ways to write percentage.
When writing about it people use %. For example 30%.
When doing mathematical calculations you use the fractional form of type
I am spacing the digits to lot to allow for the descriptions
So we have
But this is the same as
In calculations percentage is
So we can use the
Multiply by 1 and you do not change the inherent value. However, you can changing the way it looks without changing its inherent value.
Multiply by 1 but in the form of