How do you express .13 as a percentage?

3 Answers



To express any decimal as percentage, multiply the number by #100%#.

Hence, to express #0.13# as percentage, multiply it by #100%#.


Or #0.13=13/100 = 13%#

Aug 23, 2016

#0.13 = 13/100 = 13%#


A number written as a decimal can be read as a percentage without any real working.

Decimals can be written as fractions with powers of 10 as the denominators.

A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100.

#0.13 = 13/100 = 13%#

Aug 23, 2016

#0.13# as a percentage is written as 13%


There are 2 ways to write percentage.

When writing about it people use %. For example 30%.

When doing mathematical calculations you use the fractional form of type #30/100#
#color(blue)("Consider 0.13")#

I am spacing the digits to lot to allow for the descriptions

#color(green)(color(white)(....)0" ".1" "3 " "larr 0.13)#
#color(red)(color(white)(2/2)uarr" "uarr" "uarr#
#color(red)(" units "1/10color(white)(.)^("ths")" "1/100color(white)(.)^("ths")#


So we have #0+1/10+3/100#

But this is the same as #13/100#


In calculations percentage is #("some number")/100#

So we can use the #13/100# as our percentage

#color(red)(13/100-= 13%)#
#color(blue)("Think about this method - Consider "1/10)#

Multiply by 1 and you do not change the inherent value. However, you can changing the way it looks without changing its inherent value.

Multiply by 1 but in the form of #1=10/10#

So #" "color(brown)(1/10xx1 )color(green)(-> 1/10xx10/10)#


#=(1xx10)/(10xx10) = 10/100#

So #1/10+3/100" "->" "[1/10xx10/10]+3/100#


#10/100+3/100 = 13/100 -=13%#

The #-=# means 'equivalent to'