What types of microbes cause measles?

1 Answer
Apr 4, 2016

Measles is caused by a virus, more specifically a paramyxovirus.


           Although [viruses](http://socratic.org/biology/microorganisms/viruses) are small enough to be sometimes referred to as microbes, viruses are for the most part not called that. A microbe is a microorganisms, meaning it is tiny and alive. Viruses are not described as alive and there is still an on going debate as to whether they can be called organisms.

           There are many strains of the measles, it is a highly infectious disease and before the introduction of the measles vaccine was a distructive force in cities especially. The national health service (NHS) in the UK has great information online about any number of illnesses and diseases, here's their page on measles: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/Pages/Introduction.aspx