On your birthday, you deposit $540.00 in an account that pays 6% interest, compounded annually. How much is in the account 3 years later?

1 Answer
May 17, 2016

$540 is the amount of money deposited in the account
And the balance of the account which is $540 has a 6% increase once a year for 3 years.
6% interest means 6% of 540 is added once a year.
We have to convert the interest into a decimal, divide whatever the percentage is by 100.


Now we are working with the numbers we need, use multiplication to find 6% of 540.


In just one year, the amount earned in interest is #$32.40# so in 3 years the amount earned will be


The balance of the account after 3 years will be


Algebraically, the question can be answered this way
Let #fb# = final balance = #637.20#
Let #ib# = initial balance = #540#
Let #i# = interest percentage divided by 100 #6/10=0.06#
Let #t# = the amount of time the initial balance stays in the account = #3#


You can use any letter to represent the numbers but make sure the final equation leads to the right solution.