Elliot is 6 feet and 1 inch tall while his friend Vaughn is 64.5 inches tall. How much taller is Elliot than Vaughn?

1 Answer
May 24, 2016

Elliot is 8.5 inches taller than Vaughn.


It's given that Elliot is 6 feet and 1 inch tall. We can also see that Vaughn is 64.5 inches tall. First, we'll convert Elliot's height to inches:

1 foot = 12 inches, and Elliot is 6 feet tall and (plus) 1 inch, so:

73 inches

Elliot is 73 inches tall.
We know that Vaughn is 64.5 inches tall, so to find the difference in height, we simply subtract the smaller number from the larger:

73-64.5 = 8.5

Therefore, Elliot is 8.5 inches taller than Vaughn.