What is #7.2times10^5# in a standard notation?

1 Answer
Jun 24, 2016

#720000 = 7.2xx10^5#


The #color(red)5# in #10^color(red)5# is the number of significant digits that are in 7.20000, but 4 zeros are insignificant. Move the decimal #color(red)5# places to the right to make 720000 which is the sum of #7.20000xx10^5#

Another way to answer is knowing #10^5=100000#


#10^x# means #x# is the number of zeros to the right of #1#

when finding the standard notation of scientific notation the first number to the right counts as one of the zeros, 2 in #7.2# is one of the zeros in #10^5#, add 4 more zeros to the right of 2 and remove the decimal to make #720000#