How do you solve #4t^{2} + t - 14#?

1 Answer
Sep 23, 2016

This equation has two answers;
#t = -2 or t = 7/4#


This equation is a special kind, it's called a "Quadratic Equation".

We need to factorise the equation first;

#4t^2 + t - 14 = 0 #

#(4t-7)(t+2) = 0#

If we expanded those brackets it would become the original equation.

This can be simplified into the equations;

#4t - 7 = 0# and #t+2=0#

Which become;

#t = 7/4# and #t=-2#

The best way to learn how to factorise is, unfortunately, a lot of practice. Luckily Bitesize and other websites have a lot of free examples with answer which you can practice on!