What is the equation of the line that passes through the points #(-1,3)# and #(3, -5)#?

1 Answer
Oct 11, 2016



Let's say #A# is the point #(-1,3)# and #B# is the point #(3,-5)#

The equation of a line that passes through two points is #y-y_0=m(x-x_0)#

Replace #x, x_0, y# and #y_0# by the coordinates of the two points to find your slope#=>m#.

It doesn't matter which point you choose to replace #x, x_0, y# and #y_0# with as long as you pair #x# with #y# and #x_0# with #y_0#.


Now, all you have to do is to choose either the coordinates of #A# or #B# to replace in the equation of a line that passes through two points #=>y-y_0=m(x-x_0)#. You are only going to replace #x_0# and #y_0#.

I'm using the point #A# #(-1,3)#




#=>y+2x-1=0# is your line.

Try to use the other point and you'll see that you'll find the same line.

Hope this helps :)