How do you write 19/25 as a percentage?

1 Answer
Dec 25, 2016

The fraction #19/25# written as a percentage is #76 %#.


When we write a fraction, the result of division is always expressed as referring to unity. For example, if we say that John has eaten the #19/25# of a pie, that means that, by considering the whole pie as #1#, John has eaten #19/25 = 0.76# of the pie. Therefore, it remains without eating a part that is #1 - 0.76 = 0.24#.

But on many occasions, for people who are not used to working with numbers, this way of representing the parts of a whole is a bit confusing. For this reason, the concept of percentage is used in everyday life, which is much more graphic and allows us to better visualize what we are saying.

So instead of referring to a complete thing as #1# and using fractions to represent a part of that whole, what we do is consider what number that part would be if instead of having only one thing we had #100#. For this we multiply the fraction That we have for #100# and say that the result is a percentage.

In the example we have, you have to multiply the fraction #19/25# by #100# and write the result as a percentage:

#19/25 * 100 = 76 rArr "John has eaten the " 76 % " of the cake"#.