In an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12% of the total votes more than Party R. If party R got 132,000 votes, by how many votes did it lose the election?

1 Answer

Party R lost election by 36,000 votes


Given: Party D won the election by 12%...
Required: How many votes did party R loose by?

Solution: Set up from what we know
1) R + D = 100% of the votes
2) D = R+12% this given
Now substitute for D in 1)
R + R+12% = 100%
Thus party R secured
(100-12)/2=44% of total votes,
but R=132,000
Thus the total votes cast are:
T= 132000*100/44 =300000

D's votes were:
D=300,000-132,000 = 168,000
Thus party R lost by:
L_R = 168,000 - 132,000= 36,000