How do I find a fraction between #7/56 and 8/56#?

2 Answers
May 29, 2017

There are infinitely many fractions (possible answer #15/112#)


The fractions given are #1/color(red)7# and #1/color(blue)8#

Multiply #1/color(red)7# by #color(blue)8/color(blue)8#, and multiply #1/color(blue)8# by #color(red)7/color(red)7#

The answer will be #8/56#, and #7/56#

A fraction between them will be #7.5/56# or #15/112#

Or #7.1/56=>color(red)(71/560)#. Or #7.2/56=>color(red)(9/70)#

Or #7.22/56=>color(red)(361/2800)#...

May 29, 2017

Use equivalent fractions of #8/56 and 7/56#

For example, it is easy to write down fractions between

#72/504 and 63/504.#


There are infinitely many fractions between these two fractions.
#1/7 and 1/8#

Find a common denominator first: It is#56#

Find a fraction between #8/56 and 7/56#

We could answer #7.1/56 or 7.4/56 or 7.8/56# etc,

but it is not good practice to use decimals combined with fractions.

If the denominator is not the Lowest Common Denominator, it becomes easier.

Use equivalent fractions of #8/56 and 7/56#

It is then easier to find any number of fractions.

#16/112 and 14/112# leads to an answer of #15/112#

#32/224 and 28/224# allows us to find:

#29/224, 30/224,31/224# as being fractions between.