"Projectile motion is a special case of two-dimensional motion. "Projectile motion is a special case of two-dimensional motion.
"An object found at the moment of shooting is seen."An object found at the moment of shooting is seen.
"if we ignore the air resistance and gravity,the object move to infinity."if we ignore the air resistance and gravity,the object move to infinity.
"But that's not really the case. The object is attracted by the ground"But that's not really the case. The object is attracted by the ground" and placed on a trajectory." and placed on a trajectory.
"The object drops freely from point J to point H."The object drops freely from point J to point H.
"We must divide the motion horizontally and vertically into two parts."We must divide the motion horizontally and vertically into two parts.
- The blue vector shows the horizontal component of the initial velocity.
"The " V_x " vector can be calculated using " v_x=vi*cos thetaThe Vx vector can be calculated using vx=vi⋅cosθ
- The magnitude and direction of blue vector does not change.
- *The blue vector allows the object to move horizontally. *
- The green vector shows the vertical component of the initial velocity.
"The " V_y " vector can be calculated using " v_y=vi*sin thetaThe Vy vector can be calculated using vy=vi⋅sinθ
V_y " at any time is "v_y=v_i*sin theta -g*t Vy at any time is vy=vi⋅sinθ−g⋅t
- The magnitude and direction of green vector change.
- *The blue vector allows the object to move vertically. *
- the magnitude of green vector at maximum height is zero.
"How can I calculate the elapsed time from initial point to peak point ?"How can I calculate the elapsed time from initial point to peak point ?
v_y=0("at maximum height)"vy=0(at maximum height)
0=v_i*sin theta-g*t0=vi⋅sinθ−g⋅t
v_i*sin theta=g*tvi⋅sinθ=g⋅t
t=(v_i*sin theta)/gt=vi⋅sinθg
"How can I calculate the maximum height?"How can I calculate the maximum height?
h_m=(v_i^2*sin^2 theta)/(2*g)hm=v2i⋅sin2θ2⋅g
"How can I calculate the elapsed time for traveled from initial point to end point ?"How can I calculate the elapsed time for traveled from initial point to end point ?
t=2*(v_i*sin theta)/2t=2⋅vi⋅sinθ2
"How do we find the velocity of a projectile at any time over its trajectory?"How do we find the velocity of a projectile at any time over its trajectory?
"Calculate "v_x=v_i*cos thetaCalculate vx=vi⋅cosθ
"Calculate "v_y=v_i*sin theta-g*tCalculate vy=vi⋅sinθ−g⋅t
"Calculate "v=sqrt((v_x)^2+(v_y)^2)Calculate v=√(vx)2+(vy)2
"How can I calculate the location of object on trajectory?"How can I calculate the location of object on trajectory?
x=v_i*t*cos thetax=vi⋅t⋅cosθ
y=v_i*t*sin theta-1/2 g t^2y=vi⋅t⋅sinθ−12gt2
"How can I calculate the maximum x-range?"How can I calculate the maximum x-range?
x_m=(v_i^2*sin(2 theta))/gxm=v2i⋅sin(2θ)g
"answer to your question."answer to your question.
v_i=8 m*s^(-1)vi=8m⋅s−1
t=(v_i*sin theta)/g=(8*0.707)/(9.81)=0.58 st=vi⋅sinθg=8⋅0.7079.81=0.58s
x=v_i*t*cos theta=8*0.58*0.707=3.28mx=vi⋅t⋅cosθ=8⋅0.58⋅0.707=3.28m