It takes a slug, 20 minutes to travel from his favorite bush to the local trash can (a trip of 30 meters), how far can he travel in 1 hour (60 minutes)?

1 Answer
Sep 21, 2017

90 meters


20 minutes - 30 meters
60 minutes - ? meters

There are two ways to solve this.


The first (slightly longer) way is to find how many meters the slug travels per minute.

#30 -: 20 = 1.5# meters per min

so in 60 minutes it would travel

# 60 xx 1.5 = 90# meters


The second method requires you to realise that 60 is three times 20.

That means you just have to multiply the distance traveled in 20 minutes by 3 to get the distance traveled in 60 minutes.

#30 xx 3 = 90#