Question #03070

1 Answer
Oct 8, 2017

n + e^+ -> p + bar v_e


A neutron and positron interact in the following way

n + e^+ -> p + bar v_e

producing a proton and an anti-electron neutrino.

The proton conserves charge, as the neutron has 0 charge, the positron is -1 (negative because it is antimatter), the proton is +1 and the neutrino is 0, like the positron, as is is an anti-neutrino, not simply a neutrino.

The neutrino is produced to conserve lepton number, as both proton and neutron have lepton numbers of 0 and baryon numbers of 1, hence baryon number is also conserved.

By thinking about all of these conserved quantities, you can deduce what must be produced on the right side of the equation.