Find points on the curve y={2x^3+3x^2-12x+1} where the tangent is horizontal?

1 Answer

(-2,21) (1,6)


step one: find the derivative of the equation.

Step two: Since a horizontal line has a slope of 0, set the derivative to equal 0 and solve.
#y' = 6(x^2+x-2)#
#y' = 6(x+2)(x-1)#
#x= -2, 1#

Step three: plug the x-values found in step 2 back into the original equation to get the y-coordinates of the points on the curve.

#y(-2)= 21#
#y(1)= -6#

Step four: write out the coordinates of the points with a slope of zero.
(-2,21) and (1,-6)