How many more troops did France, Britain, Germany, and Russia lose during WW1?

1 Answer

See below.


Since you say "troops", this is excluding civilian casualties:

The Entente

France: 1,357,000 - 1,397,800

Britain: 744,000 - 887,858

Russia: 1,700,000 - 2,254,369

Total (taking the highest estimate): 4,540,027

Total (taking the lowest estimate): 3,801,000

Central Powers

Germany: 2,037,000

Total (lowest and higest): 2,037,000

How many more

Taking the higest estimate, Fra., Bri., and Rus, lost 2,503,027 more men than Germany did.

Taking the lowest estiamate, Fra., Bri., and Rus. lost 1,764,000 more men than Germany did.