If the earth were to suddenly contract to(1/n)th of its present radius without any change in its mass, the duration of the new day will be nearly (in hours) ??

1 Answer
Dec 30, 2017

Duration of the new day = 24/n^2 hours


Conservation of angular momentum dictates that the angular momentum before and after the contraction must be the same.


I = 2/5 Mr^2 larr moment of inertia of the earth
omega = (2pi)/T larr angular velocity of the earth = (2pi)/(day).

Let r_2 and T_2 be the new radius and new day duration, and rewrite the conservation equation as:



T_2=r_2^2/r_1^2 T_1

When the earth contracts, r_2 = 1/nr_1

T_2=(1/n r_1)^2/r_1^2 T_1

T_2= 1/n^2T_1

T_1 =24 hours

T_2= 1/n^2T_1 = 24/n^2 (hours)

If the radius is halved, then the new day is 24/2^2 = 6 hours long.
If radius is 1/10th, the new day is 24/10^2 = ~ ¼ hours long