Question #3c0ea

1 Answer
Jan 3, 2018

I assume you mean \sin 20°. There is no "simple" value, really; all you can do is punch it into a calculator and get a decimal approximation.


There is actually a geometric aspect to this problem. Certain angles can be constructed with just an unmarked straightedge and compasses (, and when we say things like

\sin 30°=1/2

\sin 18°={\sqrt{5}-1}/4

we can express these results in terms of the geometric constructions. Unfortunately, among angles with whole numbers of degrees only multiples of have a compass and straightedge construction, and 20° doesn't work.

In some values are given for various multiples of . Note that some expressions are more complicated than others, a fact that correlates with more complicated geometric constructions. For instance, to get an angle of you basically have to construct 18° and 15° angles and then take the difference. That complexity is reflected in the complicated value given for \sin 3°.