Can you explain about Conditional Sentence Type 3 along with example?
1 Answer
The type 3 conditional refers to an impossible past condition and its probable past result. The sentences of type 3 conditional are truly hypothetical and unreal and hence is also known as past hypothetical conditional.
In these sentences:
- The tense in the if-clause is the past perfect simple (had + past participle) or progressive (had been + verb+ing).
- The tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional (would have + past particicple) or the perfect continuous conditional(would have been + verb+ing).
If I had been more careful, I would not have had an accident.
I would not have had an accident if I had been more careful.
I would not have been awake if they had not made that noise.
I would have been sleeping if they had not been making that noise.
If we had started earlier, we could have finished on time. (ability)
If we had started earlier, we might have finished on time. (possibility)
If we had been correct, we could have participated again. (ability or permission)
I was sitting in the balcony because it was very hot. If it had not been very hot, I would have been sitting in my office.
She was wearing a rain coat. If she hadn't been wearing one, she would have got wet.
Both would and had can be contracted to 'd. In this case remember two rules:
Would never appears in the if-clause so if 'd appears in the if-clause, it must be abbreviating had.
Had never appears before have so if 'd appears after a pronoun just before have, it must be abbreviating would.
Hope it helps...