Factorize #x^4–3x^3+4x^2-8# ?

3 Answers
Jan 27, 2018

#x^4-3x^3+4x^2-8 = (x+1)(x-2)(x^2-2x+4)#

#color(white)(x^4-3x^3+4x^2-8) = (x+1)(x-2)(x-1-sqrt(3)i)(x-1+sqrt(3)i)#



#f(x) = x^4-3x^3+4x^2-8#

By the rational roots theorem, any rational zeros of #f(x)# are expressible in the form #p/q# for integers #p, q# with #p# a divisor of the constant term #-8# and #q# a divisor of the coefficient #1# of the leading term.

That means that the only possible rational zeros are:

#+-1, +-2, +-4, +-8#

We find:

#f(-1) = 1+3+4-8 = 0#

So #x=-1# is a zero and #(x+1)# a factor:

#x^4-3x^3+4x^2-8 = (x+1)(x^3-4x^2+8x-8)#

We also find that #x=2# is a zero of the remaining cubic, so #(x-2)# is a factor:

#x^3-4x^2+8x-8 = (x-2)(x^2-2x+4)#

The remaining quadratic has a negative discriminant, so no real zeros or linear factors with real coefficients.

We can factor it with complex coefficients by completing the square:

#x^2-2x+4 = x^2-2x+1+3#

#color(white)(x^2-2x+4) = (x-1)^2-(sqrt(3)i)^2#

#color(white)(x^2-2x+4) = ((x-1)-sqrt(3)i)((x-1)+sqrt(3)i)#

#color(white)(x^2-2x+4) = (x-1-sqrt(3)i)(x-1+sqrt(3)i)#

Jan 27, 2018

#x^4-3x^3+4x^2-8 = (x^2-2x+4)(x-2)(x+1)#


For illustration, here's what happened when I thought this was a complicated quartic and started a full blown quartic solution (not recommended unless you really need to do it)...



Let us get this into depressed quartic form with a Tschirnhaus transformation...





where #t = 4x-3#

Next note that since the quartic in #t# has no #t^3# term, it must factor as a pair of quadratics with opposite middle coefficient:

#t^4+10t^2+168t-1715 = (t^2-at+b)(t^2+at+c)#

#color(white)(t^4+10t^2+168t-1715) = t^4+(b+c-a^2)t^2+a(b-c)t+bc#

Then equating coefficients, we find:

#{ (b+c=a^2+10), (b-c=168/a), (bc=-1715) :}#


#(a^2)^2+20(a^2)+100 = (a^2+10)^2#

#color(white)((a^2)^2+20(a^2)+100) = (b+c)^2#

#color(white)((a^2)^2+20(a^2)+100) = (b-c)^2+4bc#

#color(white)((a^2)^2+20(a^2)+100) = 168^2/(a^2)+4(-1715)#

#color(white)((a^2)^2+20(a^2)+100) = 28224/(a^2)-6860#

Multiplying both ends by #a^2# and rearranging a little, this becomes a cubic in #a^2#...

#(a^2)^3+20(a^2)^2+6960(a^2)-28224 = 0#

Note that typically the cubic at this stage is much nastier to solve, but thankfully this cubic has one real positive rational root, namely:


So choose:



#b = 1/2(a^2+10+168/a) = 1/2(4+10+84) = 49#

#c = 1/2(a^2+10-168/a) = 1/2(4+10-84) = -35#


#t^4+10t^2+168t-1715 = (t^2-2t+49)(t^2+2t-35)#

Then subtituting #t = (4x-3)#, we find:


#= ((4x-3)^2-2(4x-3)+49)((4x-3)^2+2(4x-3)-35)#

#= (16x^2-24x+9-8x+6+49)(16x^2-24x+9+8x-6-35)#

#= (16x^2-32x+64)(16x^2-16x-32)#

#= 256(x^2-2x+4)(x^2-x-2)#

#= 256(x^2-2x+4)(x-2)(x+1)#


#x^4-3x^3+4x^2-8 = (x^2-2x+4)(x-2)(x+1)#

Jan 28, 2018

It can be factored by seeking rational roots directly:



The polynomial may be factored with little difficulty if you seek out its rational zeroes.

Rational zeroes of a polynomial having integer coefficients will have the form #\pm(p/q)# where #p# is a factor of the constant term (#-8#) and #q# is a factor of the leading coefficient (#1#). So the possible rational roots are:

#\pm 1,\pm 2, \pm 4, \pm 8#

A good way to test these roots is with synthetic division. Let's try this with #1# as a candidate root. Remember to include the #0# coefficient for #x^1# as you do the steps, otherwise you are testing the wrong polynomial!

Coefficients #color(blue)(1, -3, 4, 0, -8)#

Test root #color(red)(1)#









The final remainder term is #-6# not zero, so #x=1# fails to be a root and we do not have #x-1# as a factor.

But if we try #x=-1#:









This time the remainder is #0# so we hit #x=-1# as a rational root. Therefore #x+1# is a factor. The leading coefficient #1# and the intermediate sums #-4,8,-8# form the polynomial #x^3-4x^2+8x-8#, which is the complementary factor. So:


We are not done. The cubic factor #x^3-4x^2+8x-8# could have more rational roots. Again the possibilities are

#\pm 1,\pm 2, \pm 4, \pm 8#

But we know that #+1# doesn't work, and since the signs are strictly alternating (+-+-) there can't be any more negative roots (Descartes rule ofcsigns). The only ones we can still test are #+2,+4,+8#.

Try #+2# using synthetic division:







We get a remainder of zero and so


And then


We are finally left with the quadratic polynomial #x^2-2x+4#. Does this have any more rational roots? For a quadratic polynomial #ax^2+bx+c# we can tell if there are any real roots at all from the discriminant #b^2-4ac#:

#(-2)^2-(4×1×4)=-12#, negative thetefore no (moe) real roots. And obviously no more rational roots.

So the quadratic polynomial remains unfactored and this is the final answer:
