Question:One -one main Function of nucleolus, ribosomes, ER reticulum, golgi apparatus , lysosomes, vacuoles, percisomes,mitochondria,and chloroplast ?
1 Answer
#to# sysnthesise ribosomes. -
#to# synthesize proteins. -
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
#to# having ribosomes on it's surface it's mainly involved in protein synthesis. -
Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum
#to# mainly involved in metabolism. Also play role in transport of material within the cell.
For example: proteins synthesized on RER are transported to Golgi apparatus via SER. -
Golgi Apparatus
#to# gives final touch to cell secretions (proteins) before they are ready to get out of the cell. -
#to# major role in phagocytosis i.e engulf#&# breakdown any foreign particles that enters the cell. -
#to# vacuoles are predominantly involved in storage in both animal#&# plant cell. But in plant cell, a larger central vacuole is also a major contributor to the turgor that is salient for maintaining rigidity in younger parts of plant. -
#to# specifically involved in formation and decomposition of hydrogen peroxide#(H_2O_2)# . -
#to# manufacture and supply energy#(ATP)# needed for all cellular activities. -
#to# present in plants only. Help plants to photosynthesize their own food.
Hope it helps!