The total area of a cube is expressed by A(x) = 24x^2+24x+6. What is the volume of this cube?

1 Answer
Mar 2, 2018



I'm going to assume you meant the surface area is given by #A(x)#.

We have #A(x)=24x^2+24x+6#

The formula for the surface area of a cube is given by #6k^2#, where #k# is the length of a side.

We can say that:





So the length of a side is #2x+1#.

On the other hand, #V(x)#, the volume of he cube, is given by #k^3#.

Here, #k=2x+1#

So we can say:





So the volume of this cube is given by #8x^3+12x^2+6x+1#