How do you solve #(3\times 3- ( 2+ 1) ) \div ( 5- 2)#?

1 Answer
Mar 3, 2018

#2#, using BODMAS / PEMDAS


BODMAS or PEMDAS rule states the order you have to complete operations in:

#O#f (powers/exponents)
#D#ivision and #M#ultiplication
#A#ddition and #S#ubtraction

Usually we start with the parentheses within the parentheses. In other words, the smallest brackets.


Here, #(2+1)# is the most important parenthesis, and should be solved first:


Now, we have two brackets. What do we do?

Remember, multiplication comes before addition or subtraction, so we complete that operation first #(3*3)#


[note: we do not do division now, as it is an operation outside the parentheses]

Now, we have two subtraction operations. Since both are withing brackets, and both are subtraction, they are on the same level on the BODMAS scale. We do them simultaneously:


We can remove the brackets, as there are no more operations within them:


Solve it:


Thus, solved.