How does one enclose the final punctuation? What if ellipses are used? (for a list of items like a, b, and c...)

There are several ways this could go:

A. This is a sentence. (and this is the parenthetical)
B. This is a sentence. (and this is the parenthetical.)
C. This is a sentence (and this is the parenthetical.)
D. This is a sentence (and this is the parenthetical).


1 Answer
Mar 15, 2018

D I would say.


A is incorrect because the parenthesis is part of the sentence and so should remain inside the full stop.
B is the same however it is not incorrect to have a full stop within a parenthesis.
C if this is not the end of the sentence then it is fine however I was surmising from the previous two examples that it was the end of the sentence and so is incorrect.
D is the most correct of the four as the parenthesis is contained within the full stop.

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