How many grams of \text{NH}_4\text{OH}NH4OH do I need to make 400\ \text{mL} of a 0.45\ \text{M} solution of \text{NH}_4\text{OH}...?
2 Answers
"Molarity" = "Moles of solute"/"Volume of solution (in litres)"
You need
Molar mass of
Mass of solute
To make the solution you take 10.0 ml of concentrated ammonia solution and make up to 400. ml with distilled water.
The answer by @Junaid Mirza is perfectly correct in theory but if you wanted to make such a solution from a practical point of view then you can't make it that way.
The problem is that ammonium hydroxide does not exist as a discrete substance so you can't weigh out a specific amount and make it up into a solution.
Ammonia gas
The position of equilibrium lies well to the left so such a solution contains only a very small amount of
It is better described as aqueous ammonia
The term "ammonium hydroxide" was used historically to describe such a solution but the term is largely obsolete, such that you may only find it in old text books or outdated syllabi.
Ammonia generally is sold as a concentrated solution which is about 18 M.
To make the solution you require you can use the dilution expression:
So take out 10. ml of the concentrated ammonia with a pipette and make up to the 400. ml mark with distilled water.