Write half reactions for the following equation? : #Mg_((aq))^(+2) + Mn_((s)) -> Mg_((s)) + Mn_((aq))^(+4) #

2 Answers

Writing the Oxidation States for each reactant and product.

#color(blue)(stackrel"+2"overbrace(Mg^(+2))_((aq))) + color(magenta)(stackrel"0"overbrace(Mn )_((s))) -> color(blue)(stackrel"0"overbrace(Mg)_((s))) + color(magenta)(stackrel"+4"overbrace(Mn^(+4)) _((aq))#


We see,
#color(blue)(stackrel"+2"overbrace(Mg^(+2))_((aq)) -> stackrel"0"overbrace(Mg)_((s)) #

Balancing the charge in this equation,
#Mg^(+2) + 2e^(-) -> Mg#


#color(magenta)(stackrel"0"overbrace(Mn )_((s)) -> stackrel"+4"overbrace(Mn^(+4)) _((aq))#

Balancing the charge in this equation,
#Mn -> Mn^(+4)+ 4e^-#

As, we know, Oxidation is losing of electrons and reduction is gaining of electrons, and oxidation occurs at anode and reduction at cathode,

#"Anode: " Mn -> Mn^(+4)+ 4e^-#

#"Cathode: " Mg^(+2) + 2e^(-) -> Mg#

Apr 11, 2018

See below:


Divide the equation into the reduction reaction and the oxidation reaction by inspecting the ox-numbers.

#Mn(s)# goes from ox-state 0 to +4 so it has lost electrons and is therefore oxidized.

#Mn(s) ->Mn^(+4)(aq)+ 4e^(-)#

#Mg^(2+)# turns to #Mg# so it has been reduced as it has gained two electrons and ox state has changed from +2 to 0.

#Mg^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-) ->Mg(s)#
But we must equalize the number of electrons on both sides so the half equation is:

#2Mg^(2+)(aq)+4e^(-) ->2Mg(s)#

So the overall equation is:
#2Mg^(2+)(aq)+Mn(s)+4e^(-) ->2Mg(s)+4e^(-)+Mn^(+4)(aq)#
And then remove the electrons:
