How do you convert 5/12 into a decimal and percent?

3 Answers

#Decimal = 0.4167#
#Percent = 41.67%#


#5/12# simply means 5 divided by 12.
So #5/12 = 0.4167#

If you are not given a calculator to find the answer, then use long division.

To get percentage, you need to multiply the decimal answer by 100%:

#(5/12)*100%=41.67 %#

To convert to a decimal, divide numerator by denominator.

To convert the decimal to a percentage multiply by #100%#


# 5/12 = 0.416666.......#

# 0.41666..... xx 100% = 41.66666%.....#

Rounding off to nearest percent gives

#42% #

Apr 23, 2018

#0.41666 = 41.666%#



To convert it to %age



Hope it helps!