Un which property does xylem differ from phloem?

1 Answer
May 3, 2018

Below is a brief outline of some of the key differences between the xylem and the phloem.


There are a few properties that make the xylem different from the phloem.

1. Substance Transport
The xylem transports water and some minerals. The phloem, however, carries a liquid called sap, which contains sucrose, amino acids, and various ions.

2. Location
The xylem is located in the centre of the stem or vascular bundle in the plant. The phloem is located around it, in the outer areas.

3. Function
The phloem's function is to carry out translocation, which is the transport of nutrients from the leaves to growing regions of the plant or storage cells. Thus, the substances within it move in two directions. The xylem's purpose is to carry out transpiration, which is the unidirectional process of moving water and minerals from the roots up the plant. It can also provide structure and support.

4. Elements
The phloem contains sieve tubes (a pathway for the nutrients) and companion cells (providing a way for the nutrients to move from the sink/source into the sieve). The xylem is made of dead cells, a lignin lining, and pits to allow water to flow and osmote easily.