How long did it take Grant's forces to reach Vicksburg once they crossed the Mississippi?

1 Answer
May 15, 2018

18 days.


Grant tried unsuccessfully to capture Vicksburg by several stratagems in the spring of 1862. He devised a plan whereby he would march his army of approximately 40,000 men down the west bank of the Mississippi and cross below Vicksburg to the east bank, thus attacking the city from its rear.

On April 16 Admiral David Porter successfully made a daring run with his fleet past the Vicksburg defenses. He linked up with Grant's army below Vicksburg and ferried the men across on April 30 and May 1. Grant marched north, fighting Generals Joe Johnston and John Pemberton along the way and arrived outside of Vicksburg on May 18. After several unsuccessful attacks to take the city, he settled in for a siege of the Confederate army which was completely cut off.

General Pemberton finally surrendered the city on July 4.