Monday: 3 1/2 km Tuesday: -2 km Wednesday: -8.75 km Thursday: 5 km ???

Elevation represents distance from sea level. Positive numbers represent elevations that are above sea level and negative numbers represent elevations that are below sea level.
A hiker recorded the distance from sea level that she hiked on 4 different days in the table below.

On which day did the hiker travel the furthest distance?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday

1 Answer
Jun 2, 2018

C. Wednesday


To figure out which day was the furthest from sea level, figure out the absolute value of each day. This means that all numbers will be positive.

Monday: #abs"3.5" = color(blue)3.5#

Tuesday: #abs(-2) = color(blue)2#

Wednesday: #abs(-8.75)= color(blue)8.75#

Thursday: #abs"5" = color(blue)5#

Which of these days traveled the furthest from sea level? Basically, which day has the highest absolute value?

#"Wednesday"# has the highest absolute value at #8.75#.