Name a transition element which has no variable oxidation state?

2 Answers
Jun 23, 2018

I can't think of one offhand mate....


The transition elements, generally have several oxidation states available. For the first transition series, M(+II) and M(+III) salts are widespread....

The f-block elements, and Group 3 of the transition series, are GENERALLY M(+III), however, even here, M(0), M(+I), and M(+II) salts and complexes are accessible, even if special means have to be employed to synthesize and isolate them...

Jun 23, 2018

Probably no element except the lighter noble gases is limited to one oxidation state at all times, but scandium and yttrium, both transition metals, come close.


Nearly all elements, even alkali and alkaline earth metals, can show "unusual oxidation states under the right conditions. But scandium and yttrium are in the +3 oxidation state under almost all commonly encountered conditions.