Who's interested in a new Socratic on a different website?
This is just to have a place where everyone can put their names. So if you're interested, write an answer with your username. If you have any special skills that would be useful to building the new site, you can note those too.
There are several of these types of things in various other questions and comments, but I think it would be simpler to have it all in one spot.
This is just to have a place where everyone can put their names. So if you're interested, write an answer with your username. If you have any special skills that would be useful to building the new site, you can note those too.
There are several of these types of things in various other questions and comments, but I think it would be simpler to have it all in one spot.
26 Answers
CountryGirl (aka Cori :D)
I can help with graphic design if that is needed.
Areas that I could help answer questions would be algebra, English, geometry, U.S. History.
I have no special skills, but would like to contribute by continuing to answer high school level math questions.
Kevin B.
Been a Socratic member since 2015. I can help with math and chemistry. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.
Let's pin this to the top for a discussion thread.
This way all of us who want to contribute can discuss at the top how we will go about this.
Answering Questions (edit in the name by which you would prefer to be called)
Shell - High School Math
Hriman - Math/Science
Kevin B. Math/Chemistry
Rhys - Mathematics
Shwetank Mauria - Mathematics / Physics
Noah G. - Math, Physics, Chemistry
t0hierry - Math, Physics/Astrophysics, History, English
CountryGirl/Cori - Algebra/Geometry, English, U.S. History, Music (if that becomes a thing)
phillip-e/Phill Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics and a new shiny web site!
dk_ch (High school Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics.)
Guillaume L. Mathematics and eventually a French translation of the website.
KillerBunny - Math, Italian translation of site, Programming
** Jacob T. ** - Calculus and Chemistry
Jacobi J. - Mathematics, Economics, Science
MoominDave - Maths (degree), Physics (profession). Music (passion) if you want to launch a new section on the new site... Some other subjects like History and English up to scratch for answering school-level questions.
NickTheTurtle - Math, Physics, Chemistry
Lucy - Math, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Biology, Physics
Michael - Chemistry, Physics, Calculus
Mark D - Math, Science
Steve J -Physics, Math
seol/syeol - Math, English, Science, History, Statistics
Steve M - Math, Science, Statistics
Camilleon Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, World History
Zhirou - Chemistry, Biology
Konstantinos Michailidis - Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, History
Danielle X - Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, World History (I can also double check Italian translations)
Kai H. - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Japanese, Gen. Math, Calculus, Computer Science
Evan - Math, Biology, Chemistry, English, Chinese, Geography, History
Par - Math, Sciences, Humanities. Would love to see a Business math/accounting/finance section.
Ch - Chemistry, Biology
Y - Math, Physics
maganbhai P.-Maths
Evan Holbrook - Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Statistics
Mandira - anatomy physiology, biology, environmental science.
Ratnaker Mehta-Maths.
Shantelle - Math; Website Development (not a current subject); Science; Languages: English, Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), Spanish; Music Theory
Making Videos
Rhys - Math Content
Kevin B. - Chemistry?
Mr. Pauller - Science Videos
Zhirou - Chemistry, Biology
Graphic Design Team
Steve M
For announcements on our project, join our public Discord group here: https://discord.gg/AV5pMSC.
If you want to be a contributor on the new site, be sure to join before August 15, 2018.
If you would like to be a part of our team, please do reach out to Zhirou for the Slack invite link! :)
I would like to continue answering math and science questions to the best of my ability.
I would love to continue answering questions, particularly mathematics. But also there we discussions about videos, if so I would be able to help in producing such content, in khan academy type style, if videos would be an idea to be incorporated in any way, and generally helping around the site.
darshan (aka Darshan Senthil)
I don't think I have the skills/time to contribute much to the building of the site itself, but I'm happy to continue answering questions in all math ranging from basic algebra to multivariable calculus/differential equations, as well as in the basic sciences (chem, bio, physics).
I also have a large arsenal of math videos on YouTube, and will have more coming in the Fall.
I would like to participate as well.
Jacobi J.
I'm a high school student who enjoys helping people, so if we can continue the "Socratic spirit" and carry it onto another site, I'm all in!
I'm no expert by any means, but I can assist in chemistry, economics and many areas in math.
Hope this helps!
I can help with maths, anatomy and physiology, science (chemistry, biology, physics)
I can help with math at - hopefully - any level.
Also, since I saw many people posting their "extra skills" (which is something I'd love to see!), I can help with the italian translation of the site, as I am from Rome, and I know a thing or two about music (singing expecially) and programming
I'd love to continue answering questions for people when I can, but I'm useless re the website!
I am in!
I will edit my username into the answer pinned to the top when I get a chance (it's busy now), but here is an idea I have not seen discussed:
I suggest that those controlling Socratic be asked if a splinter group (us) could take over maintenance of the website that we have been contributing to. Call it Socratic-Classic! There would probably be technical hurdles that I can't foresee. But surely less than starting from scratch.
A suggestion: We can always use QuestionCove, if it's too much hassle and/or there are financial issues, to continue the Q&A tradition. I am friends with the founder and he gave me the green light to spread the word about his site.
What I can tutor:
- Maths (up to calculus)
- English (grammar/writing)
- Sciences (general: psychology, biology)
- History (general, region/period-specific, and Music!)
- Statistics (rusty!)
Restating a comment so people can see this:
I think Slack would be a viable option, I've got friends from another Q&A site that regularly meet on there for site development.
Unless my bio is lying, I believe I tutor maths up to calculus, basic grammar/writing, psychology, and history. :p ( oh, and statistics + biology )
First: Please reach out to @z-15 (Zhirou) for a Slack invite link if you would like to join the team! :)
Also, I know of some sites that use a similar Q&A format to Socratic. If needed, I will update this with said sites.
Secondly: I have some ideas for the new site's name!
- Plato/Aristotle/Xenophon (all students of Socrates, which Socratic is named after)
- Athenian
(I mean, Socrates is/was from Athens.)- Inquisitv ("Inquisitr" is taken)
(from "inquisitive")\color(indianred)(\text(Suggestion)) (from Kevin B ) "Socratic 2"
(my suggestion:\color(steelblue)(\text(Socratic))^(\color(indianred)(2)) )\color(indianred)(\text(Suggestion)) (from CountryGirl) "Athena" or "Minerva"
(Greek/Roman goddess of wisdom)\color(indianred)(\text(Suggestion)) (from t0hierry) "Hypatia"
(see comments for information)if anyone else has suggestions, feel free to edit this post! Just leaving it out here for everyone to add to. :-D
Socratic can't be replaced
We can't and shouldn't even try to replace Socratic. For a start they had some $6 million to start with. Also, helping kids with there homework will never make money. They don't even have credit cards!
Socratic is unique. It has some great points like featured answers. It had major flaws such as no control over duplicate questions and searching.
Socratic also has a very flawed business model.
So, no we shouldn't try and replace Socratic on a new website. We should build a far superior business model!
Abhishek K.
Haven't got much skills though I would like to help with Maths especially trigonometry.
Martin M
I can answer basic science stuff
Also all kinds of chemistry questions.
I edit videos in my spare time (if I got any left) so I might be able to contribute to that as well.
I am able to help in all the basic subjects that Socratic currently presents with. I know a bit about graphic designing, unfortunately, nothing about coding.
Since making a replica of Socratic is hard, how about we crowdsource and get funding to start a forum. Then we slowly progress to become what it is now. We will have to appoint leaders, just like a real company would so the integrity will not crumble.
I should be able to deal with high-school level maths questions, and maybe some at a slightly higher level; also English questions; and definitely music theory questions (if that becomes an option in future)
Definitely interested in keeping something like Socratic going!!
Please count me :) in for everything related to bio.