What are the steps of binary fission?

1 Answer
Jul 4, 2018

During binary fission a fully grown parent cell, after replicating its genetic material, splits into two equal sized daughter cells.



The steps involved in binary fission (bacterial) are :-

  • DNA of bacterium uncoils and duplicates
  • DNA is pulled to separate poles of the bacterium
  • a growing (new) cell wall begins to separate the bacterium
  • the complete development of the cell wall results in the
    split of the bacterium
  • the daughter cells have tightly coiled DNA rods, ribosomes, and

Thus binary fission results in genetically identical daughter cells and DNA replication and segregation occur simultaneously.

Organisms in the domain of Archaea and Bacteria reproduce with binary fission. Some organelles like mitochondria in eukaryotic cells reproduce using binary fission.