How do I standardise scores?

Mean = 90
Standard dev= 2
P(87.2<X<k) = 0.5964
I need to find k.

1 Answer
Jul 6, 2018

Usually normal tables distribution are N(0,1). This is the reason because we normalize. In our case we have

Normalize is equivalent to make a variable change in form

Z=Xμσ where X is the given variable, Z is normalized variable and μ,σ are mean and standard deviation.

In our case: P(87.2<X<K)=P(87.2902<Z<K902)=


Depending on Normal table available these values will be calculated in one way or in other but with same results...

In my case I have a Normal table which gives P(Xa). Then

P(1.4<X)=1P(X<1.4)=10.9192=0.0808. So, we have to calculate


P(X<K902)=0.6772. Looking at tables again

K902=0.46 transposing terms
