25 men are employed to do a work in, which they could finish in 20 days but they drop off by 5 men at the end of every 10 days. In what time will the work be completed?

2 Answers

The work finishes on the 24th day.


We start with 25 men. They can do a job in 20 days. This means that the 25 men finish 1/20 of the job each day. This means that each man (using m to mean the work a man does each day) does:

25m=1/20=>m=1/500 of the job each day.

At the end of 10 days, the 25 men will have finished:

(1/500)(25)(10)=250/500=1/2 of the job.

And now we drop off 5 men, leaving 20 left. We have 1/2 of the job to do:


Now the job is 1/2+2/5=5/10+4/10=9/10 done, leaving 1/10 to do. We drop off 5 men, leaving 15. They should finish before the 10 days are up:


And they do. In fact, they can do the remaining work 3 times over. This means they'll finish on the 4th day:



Jul 16, 2018

The time taken will be 23 1/3 days, so the work will be completed by the 24th day.


We are working with inverse proportion where, as the number of people decreases, the time taken to finish a task will increase.
Find the constant first.

x xx y =k

The total task requires 25 xx20 = 500 'man-days'

In the first 10 days, 25xx10 = 250 'man-days.', which means that the task is half completed.

For the next 10 days there are only 20 men.

The amount of work completed is: 20xx10 = 200 'man-days'.

There are then 15 men left to complete the remaining amount of work.

500-250-200 =50 'man-days'

The work can be completed in:

50/15 = 3 1/3 days

The total time taken is therefore 10+10+3 1/3 days

The work will be completed on the 24th day.