How are temperature on Celsius and Kelvin scales related?

2 Answers
Aug 13, 2018

Well, on the Celsius scale....we set 0 ""^@C -= "the normal freezing point of water"


And on the "temperatura assoluta" scale, "the normal freezing point of water"-=273.15*K...

Here, the "absolute or Kelvin temperature scale" sets ZERO at -273.15 ""^@C...the point at which all molecular motion ceases...

Aug 13, 2018

"Temp"("K") = "Temp"(""^@"C") + 273.15

"Temp"(""^@"C") = "Temp"("K") - 273.15


0^@"C"= "273.15 K"

"0 K" = -273.15^@"C"

A change in temperature of 1 Kelvin is equivalent to a change of 1^@"C", so they have the same magnitude.

However, the Kelvin scale is based on "0 K" \ = "absolute zero" (the coldest possible temperature where atoms have no thermal movement).

The Celsius scale is based on 0^@"C" = "freezing point of pure water" (at standard sea-level pressure).

The two scales are related by a difference of 273.15.

T("K") = T(""^@"C") + 273.15

T(""^@"C") = T("K") - 273.15