1-octanol is also called n-octanol.What does "n" stand for?

1 Answer
May 25, 2018

n stands for "normal".


Common names

In the common system, a continuous chain of eight carbon atoms is n-octaneor "normal" octane.

A group formed by removal of an H atom from one of the methyl groups is n-octyl.

Thus, the common name is n-octyl alcohol.

IUPAC names

In the IUPAC system, a continuous chain of eight carbon atoms is octane.

A group formed by removal of an H atom from one of the methyl groups is octyl.

Thus, the IUPAC name comes by substituting the final "e from the name of the alkane with the suffix -ol*.

The number of the locant goes as close as possible before the name of the functional group,

Thus, the preferred IUPAC name of the compound is octan-1-ol.

The "old" IUPAC name of 1-octanol is permitted but not recommended.

The name n-octanol uses a prefix from the common system and a name from the IUPAC system.

Chemists should deplore this mixing of two systems for forming names.