Question #53543

1 Answer
Nov 25, 2017

Different bond energies between atoms in molecules represent different flame colours when said molecules undergo combustion.


Differing atoms bond with different amounts of energy. A bond is determined by an atoms outermost electrons (using the Bohr-model of an atom these exist in an orbit far from the nucleus of the atom).

As each bond between different atoms is of a different energy, then the amount of energy required to break each bond is therefore different also.

A flame test uses this principle. For example, when Sodium (in it's elemental form of Na2 combusts in oxygen, the Na-Na bond is broken and the energy released emits a yellow flame. The Yellow flame is indicative of the energy (in the form of light energy) that is emitted from the bond. Different energies (i.e. flame colours) indicate different elements being combusted.