The empirical formulas are "Cu"_2"O"Cu2O and "CuO"CuO.
Oxide 1
color(white)(mmmmml)"Cu" +color(white)(m) "O" → "Oxide 1"mmmmmlCu+mO→Oxide 1
"Mass/g":color(white)(l) 2.118color(white)(ll) 0.2666Mass/g:l2.118ll0.2666
Our job is to calculate the ratio of the moles of each element.
"Moles of Cu" = 2.118 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g Cul"))) × "1 mol Cu"/(63.55 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g Cu")))) = "0.033 28 mol Cu"
"Moles of O" = 0.2666 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g O"))) × "1 mol O"/(16.00 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g O")))) = "0.016 66 mol O"
To get the molar ratio, we divide each number of moles by the smaller number ("0.01 666").
From here on, I like to summarize the calculations in a table.
"Element"color(white)(X) "Mass/g"color(white)(X) "Moles"color(white)(XXl) "Ratio"color(white)(mll)"Integers"
stackrel(—————————————————-——)(color(white)(l)"Cu" color(white)(XXXX)2.118 color(white)(Xl)"0.033 28"
color(white)(ll)"O" color(white)(XXXXl)0.2666 color(white)(ll)"0.016 66" color(white)(Xll)1 color(white)(XXXmlll)1
The empirical formula of Oxide 1 is "Cu"_2"O".
Oxide 2
color(white)(mmmmml)"Cu" +color(white)(m) "O" → "Oxide 2"
"Mass/g":color(white)(l) 2.118color(white)(ll) 0.5332
Working as before, we get the table.
"Element"color(white)(X) "Mass/g"color(white)(X) "Moles"color(white)(XXl) "Ratio"color(white)(mll)"Integers"
stackrel(—————————————————-——)(color(white)(l)"Cu" color(white)(XXXX)2.118 color(white)(Xl)"0.033 28"
color(white)(l)"O" color(white)(XXXXl)0.5332 color(white)(m)"0.033 32" color(white)(Xll)1.002 color(white)(XXX)1
The ratio comes out as "Cu:O"= 1:1.
The empirical formula of Oxide 2 is "CuO".