My questions are not getting answered, where should I complain?

2 Answers
Jan 10, 2016

Do not complain.


First of all, when it comes to posting questions, it's important to understand that nobody's questions can or should get top priority. Everybody wants their questions to get answered in the shortest period of time possible.

As you would imagine, that's not going to happen for everybody.

Second of all, it's important to remember that people who contribute on Socratic do so in their spare time. We are all volunteers here, so it's not our quote, unquote job to answer questions.

We do so because we want to help as many people as possible.

Now, like Truong-Son suggested, you can @mention some of the more active people to come take a look at your question.

However, you should not abuse this concept. If everybody started @mention people to come take a look at their questions, this place would go haywire in no time.

@mentioning people to answer your questions is not against the community guidelines, but it does rely on self-discipline and respect for others.

Use it every once in a while, but not all the time.

So, as a conclusion, you need to take into account the fact that there is a risk of not getting answers for some of your questions. A lot of people post questions on Socratic everyday, so your questions are bound to get overlooked sometimes.

Everybody goes through that at some level or another.

So try to be patient and come on, do not complain. Socratic is a free, high-quality learning resource. Enjoy it and use it with class! :)

Jan 10, 2016

Another thing to consider is if your questions are duplicates or very similar to other content.


People may or may not be answering your questions because they're duplicate questions or very similar to questions elsewhere. That's why it's always a good idea to use the search function.

If your question is, "How does speciation occur?" (currently an unanswered question in Biology), * use the search function * on the main page to search for "speciation." Make sure you click "see all results" because the answers that pop up are just a few out of many.

I did this, and I found related content that, while not answering my question exactly, I may be able to use to answer my own question. For example, there's a video on the topic, there's the question, "what is speciation," and if I keep searching through the pages of answers, I find more related questions.

Now, this is not as ideal as having your question answered exactly, but I know there are duplicates on Socratic (I mark them as duplicates but not everyone does) and I don't answer those. For some topics, there are a lot of very closely related questions. Personally, I try and focus on topics that have fewer answers and spend less time on topics that have been explained multiple times in various forms.