Question #3481a
1 Answer
See below.
Structure of Micelles
The AgI micelle is formed by the reaction
The micelle core consists of many solid particles.
We can write this as:
With a surplus of
We can write this as:
The particle is now positively charged and attracts
We now have an adsorption layer of oppositely charged counterions surrounding the core:
The core, along with the adsorption layer, is called a granule.
The granule has a positive charge and is surrounded by a diffusion layer of
The complete assembly is called a micelle.
Factors affecting stability of
(a) Double layer overlap
Colloids with a double layer at their surfaces are stable due to repulsions caused by interpenetration of the diffuse parts of the double layers.
Double layer overlap
(adapted from
The like-charged ions in the diffuse layers repel each other, and this prevents the particles from getting close enough to attach to each other.
Ionic strength
An increase in electrolyte concentration compresses the double layers, so particles colliding with enough kinetic energy will be able to overcome the energy barrier to coagulation.